Designed to optimize security for its users, dsEXECUTIVE ensures information is safely communicated between employees, partners and clients. Eliminating the need for time consuming faxes, emails and phone calls, dsEXECUTIVE simplifies and safeguards documents to increase efficiency and ultimately save you time and money.
Customizable folder and hierarchy structures unique to your company’s needs
Ability to upload multiple documents in any format, of any size
Clients and partners can be granted access to only authorized folders to retrieve data and documents
Folders and files can be set up for private or shared access
All documents pertaining to the business are stored in one central location and are transferrable at the time of a divestiture
Certificate of Recognition (COR) related documents are easily placed in secure detailed file structures with the ability to share internally or externally to simplify audit processes and ensure company is compliant
Allow vendors to post invoices to a secure shared folder
Easily duplicate folder structures to multiple locations
Audit user activity
Search and sort tools for documentation
Secure retrieval options
Automatic email notification settings
Revision controls

“For any company that is as heavy into acquisitions and divestitures like we are, the ease of managing A&D transactions through Data Scavenger without interfering with the flow of production is really unparalleled.
The Data Scavenger service has been an instrumental catalyst in facilitating the cooperative efforts between us and our partners to share information regardless of whether it’s production related or not.”
–Clinton Joseph
Canetic Resources Inc.

“As one of the Bakken’s largest non-operators, getting well reports and data is a key part of our business. Data Scavenger makes things easier on not only our end, but on the operator’s end as well. From the first drilling reports to production reports, we see more data faster because of the efficiencies Data Scavenger’s Info provides.”
–Andy Weigman, Asset Manager
Northern Oil and Gas, Inc