Our History

Ten hours in a downtown restaurant and 55 years of combined experience in operations, accounting and information technology, and Data Scavenger was born on the back of an A&W napkin in Calgary, Alberta.
The mission begins: “To greatly simplify and reduce the amount of time and effort required to share industry data between oil and gas producers through the use of a centralized data clearinghouse.”
“With no revenue, no location and no clients, finding companies to participate in a new technology proved difficult. Thankfully, with the help, vision and foresight of Encana, Talisman and Burlington during our first successful trial of dsDATA we were able to validate the Data Scavenger goal.”
-Ron Daley, CEO, Data Scavenger

“Implementing Data Scavenger has removed the need for our field personnel to fax or email production information to our partners. Partners have reacted positively to having their information available on the Data Scavenger site because production information for their non-operative wells is readily available.”
– Deborah Whitton, Supervisor, Business Applications Support

dsDATA expands to allow for sharing with third party partners and external stakeholders. Now everyone can use Data Scavenger to securely exchange information!
“It’s refreshing to see that a growing number of companies in the industry have embraced the Data Scavenger service and we hope other companies that haven’t yet will see the benefits in your service and reap the rewards as we have. Having a service like yours embraced by the industry would benefit not only our company but the entire industry as well.”
– Clinton Joseph, Team Lead, Field Data Capture

“After realizing the success of dsEXECUTIVE we began focusing our efforts on helping a new group of people: service companies. We saw an opportunity to apply cloud-based technology to their day to day process for service companies and began to create dsOPS.”
– Ron Daley, CEO, Data Scavenger.

Following the success of dsMONITOR, dsCHEMICAL is created to help managers remotely monitor chemical tanks with real-time volumes.
“I am not only impressed with the accuracy of [dsCHEMICAL] and their helpful personnel, but it’s obvious to me that everyone in the company, from sales to support, is devoted to creating a helpful tool in inventory management. This has been nothing but a positive experience for [me].
Data Scavenger’s aim is to go above and beyond our expectations, and they’ve succeeded.”
– Justin Wieting, Production Chemical Field Tech, May 2016
“Leaning on the expertise of Data Scavenger personnel to search out and find new ways to create efficiency in an ever changing business landscape, I am confident we will Simplify Your World.”
– Ron Daley, CEO, Data Scavenger
Data Scavenger ventures into Mexico!
“It was recognized that Municipalities were struggling to find a solution for a secure, auditable, storage and sharing solution with archiving capabilities, similar to the challenges faced in Oil and Gas Industry. dsMUNI, an electronic records management system, was born!”
“dsOPS is revamped to provide users with powerful, real-time visibility into their day-to-day business! This solution facilitates effective decision making through personnel and asset tracking while managing pricing, recording revenue and enhancing your operational efficiencies.”
“It is with tremendous sadness that Data Scavenger loses a true friend and key Director on the Board, Doug Stuve. Doug joined Data Scavenger in the Spring of 2009 and had a tremendous impact on the growth that we have achieved during the last 8 1/2 years.”
– Melissa Burke, Sales Manager, Data Scavenger

Introducing dsTRKTKT!
Making a difference, Data Scavenger builds solutions based on feedback from our over 1400 clients. This year we created a solution for truck ticket management!
Rather than deal with the truck estimates, dsTRKTKT pulls the actual volumes from the terminal in an electronic format. Data Scavenger can receive multiple data files in a day, format these files for each producer and push formatted data into their FDC systems all before the operator is back at the field office.
This simple change in process allows producers to have more accurate battery production and balancing each day, saves operator time by eliminating manual ticket entry, the same truck ticket data file can be shared to the trucking company for accurate billing to producers, virtually eliminating lengthy manual month end reconciliation for PA’s.

Our dsMUNI community grew by 700% this year! We are thrilled to be rapidly expanding our data organization and storage services across municipal Canada. Working to support communities of all sizes and locations is an important step towards equal access to technology across our nation.
“The Town would like to commend Data Scavenger on the great job they are doing working with our directors in implementing, training and in providing support and maintenance; their team excels at customer service and being available at any time. I feel confident in recommending their services to other municipalities.”
-Carl McDonnell C.A.O Town of Carstairs