About Us

Data Scavenger provides secure, reliable, and readily accessible solutions designed to meet the unique challenges of the Oil and Gas, Energy Services and Business sectors. Since 2003 we have helped our clients increase efficiencies throughout their organizations by creating products that streamline operations, safeguard and share industry data, and simplify workflows to ultimately save time and money.
We believe open and honest communication is the only way to succeed. We take pride in our word and trust the word of others. Strong relationships based on respect are what Data Scavenger is all about.
Great people are the foundation of great companies. We strive to have the best customer service in the business. That is why we hold ourselves to the highest moral and ethical standards, so we can deliver exceptional, reliable and trustworthy customer service.
There is no substitute for effort; we know that anything worth doing is worth doing right. A job well done takes time and in some cases, a lot of elbow grease. We put in the extra miles to make sure our customers receive the solutions and support that will make their jobs easier. We become your executive assistant without being on the payroll.

“The Town would like to commend Data Scavenger on the great job they are doing working with our directors in implementing, training and in providing support and maintenance; their team excels at customer service and being available at any time.
I feel confident in recommending their services to other municipalities.”
–Carl McDonnell C.A.O.
Town of Carstairs